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 Dont say "AND" in 5 lines ++

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2 posters
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Libra Number of posts : 377
Age : 33
Country : Deutschland
Forum-Points : 486
Reputation : 28
Registration date : 2009-04-01

Dont say "AND"  in 5 lines ++ Empty
PostSubject: Dont say "AND" in 5 lines ++   Dont say "AND"  in 5 lines ++ EmptySun 31 May 2009, 12:53

Here is other, no one create a new, i take this part Shocked
Dont say any "AND" as word, neither inside a sentence,
but write atleast 5 line without skil by press ENTER tongue

There was a green grass terrain in green, it been 3 week ago as i have see a big fat pink bunny on the hill next to a tree inside the water full of fishes which are standing on a sinked container ship. Inside this ship wandering a few dead people, and looking for human meat tongue why ? why not tongue something i need to tell to make a small sentence (small in my case) Question There this pink fat bunny is only looking at me Sad as it became hungry, it took like 15 minutes, till the container ship was empty and no one can explain why tongue

boring it shoul be and it is, now read and check after my errors xD
and write ur own story Wink
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1000 Posts
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Capricorn Number of posts : 1012
Age : 35
Country : Disney Land
Forum-Points : 1035
Reputation : 43
Registration date : 2008-04-06

Dont say "AND"  in 5 lines ++ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dont say "AND" in 5 lines ++   Dont say "AND"  in 5 lines ++ EmptySun 31 May 2009, 15:48

thus their was a pony, the pony was imagined by Richard, the warlock from the looking for group story! Richard likes to use it as his battle cry as other use other things for battle cry, he figured it was time to have one of his own thus he made "for pony!". Now since he said that alot of people are now using it as battle cry making Richard have worlwide fan club of atleast over few 100 000 people, who knows? maybe more but i think i got my 5 lines now so i shall stop here ^_^

Hope i did it right :p

Now for Tina:

Tina wrote:

...which are standing on a ...

...Inside this ship wandering a ...

...andlooking for human meat ...

...was empty and no one ...

:) i win? ^^
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300 Posts
300 Posts

Libra Number of posts : 377
Age : 33
Country : Deutschland
Forum-Points : 486
Reputation : 28
Registration date : 2009-04-01

Dont say "AND"  in 5 lines ++ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dont say "AND" in 5 lines ++   Dont say "AND"  in 5 lines ++ EmptyWed 10 Jun 2009, 15:41

damn my self once again Shocked

cmon make a new and make it better Very Happy
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1000 Posts
1000 Posts

Capricorn Number of posts : 1012
Age : 35
Country : Disney Land
Forum-Points : 1035
Reputation : 43
Registration date : 2008-04-06

Dont say "AND"  in 5 lines ++ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dont say "AND" in 5 lines ++   Dont say "AND"  in 5 lines ++ EmptyTue 27 Oct 2009, 20:49

No worries, just give it another shot yourself Wink its not that hard :)
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300 Posts
300 Posts

Libra Number of posts : 377
Age : 33
Country : Deutschland
Forum-Points : 486
Reputation : 28
Registration date : 2009-04-01

Dont say "AND"  in 5 lines ++ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dont say "AND" in 5 lines ++   Dont say "AND"  in 5 lines ++ EmptyTue 17 Nov 2009, 02:41

you start it Very Happy
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1000 Posts
1000 Posts

Capricorn Number of posts : 1012
Age : 35
Country : Disney Land
Forum-Points : 1035
Reputation : 43
Registration date : 2008-04-06

Dont say "AND"  in 5 lines ++ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dont say "AND" in 5 lines ++   Dont say "AND"  in 5 lines ++ EmptyTue 17 Nov 2009, 11:03

no you start it tongue
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Dont say "AND"  in 5 lines ++ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dont say "AND" in 5 lines ++   Dont say "AND"  in 5 lines ++ Empty

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Dont say "AND" in 5 lines ++
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