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 mahow and his job life

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Capricorn Number of posts : 1012
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Registration date : 2008-04-06

mahow and his job life Empty
PostSubject: mahow and his job life   mahow and his job life EmptyWed 13 May 2009, 16:26

Made a topic for me here :) so i can keep you peeps up to date.

(i didnt want to spam up Angies post much more :x )

So... i've been unemployed since last year august (2008) and my waiting time (as they call it here is over) meaning i will receive starting this month an unemployment fee.

its not much, and i gotta give 75% of it to my mom cos i still live in the house -.- (but i gotta pay for clothes, dentist, outgoing and stuff myself)

Since i decided im not gonna go out for very good reasons, that saves money (hurray)

Ive been to the workservice yesterday (12th may 2009) and took my mom with me as im sure to forget something to ask.

- I got a card that makes me able to drive all busses for free in whole flanders (north part of belgium) hurray! just the trains i gotta pay myself.
- i will get a re-orientation which means as much, they gonna take a few tests and help me decide what i should do for job or maybe some course to learn a job better. (in mean time i still get unemployment money and i dont have to look for a job!

This is rather good cos all the jobs i see now, arent anything for me and since i prefere doing something i like or actualy good at. W/o having my boss or colleges breeding in my neck cos im not doing it right. I think its good for me to get it done, cos i wanna do something i can atleast enjoy doing a bit or capable of.

Hopefuly this thing will work, i will soon get a letter saying where i gotta go -> i'll go there, have a chat (in group first time) get some info and ect. Then i will have to go again a few times and do some tests (with time between them not all in 1 day) and through that they'll help me find something. Obviously it has worked for 99% of the people that went there... lets hope im not the 1% that doesnt get helped by it :x

Oh well thats pretty much till now :)

Im glad i got to tell someone bout my sh!tty get-a-job-life.
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450 Posts
450 Posts

Pisces Number of posts : 536
Age : 34
Country : Bulgaria
Forum-Points : 531
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Registration date : 2008-04-07

mahow and his job life Empty
PostSubject: Re: mahow and his job life   mahow and his job life EmptyWed 13 May 2009, 23:19

Last edited by Chobi on Thu 16 Jul 2009, 02:01; edited 1 time in total
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1000 Posts
1000 Posts

Capricorn Number of posts : 1012
Age : 35
Country : Disney Land
Forum-Points : 1035
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Registration date : 2008-04-06

mahow and his job life Empty
PostSubject: Re: mahow and his job life   mahow and his job life EmptyThu 14 May 2009, 03:49

thnx ^^

its appriciated :)
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450 Posts
450 Posts

Pisces Number of posts : 536
Age : 34
Country : Bulgaria
Forum-Points : 531
Reputation : 13
Registration date : 2008-04-07

mahow and his job life Empty
PostSubject: Re: mahow and his job life   mahow and his job life EmptyFri 15 May 2009, 02:08

Last edited by Chobi on Thu 16 Jul 2009, 02:01; edited 1 time in total
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1000 Posts
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Capricorn Number of posts : 1012
Age : 35
Country : Disney Land
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Registration date : 2008-04-06

mahow and his job life Empty
PostSubject: Re: mahow and his job life   mahow and his job life EmptyFri 05 Jun 2009, 14:13

its june now and still waiting for that letter that i can go to those tests... nothing yet :x

Next week is second week of june and it will be an important week for for me as for someone else i realy care about :x

hope all will go well.

off topic: Sunday its elections here D: !!! // tomorrow (saturday 6th june 2009) my parents and grand parents are going on a holiday to England for 15 days!!!

House for myself if my not oldest brother comes home!!!!! w00t
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450 Posts
450 Posts

Pisces Number of posts : 536
Age : 34
Country : Bulgaria
Forum-Points : 531
Reputation : 13
Registration date : 2008-04-07

mahow and his job life Empty
PostSubject: Re: mahow and his job life   mahow and his job life EmptySat 06 Jun 2009, 00:25

Last edited by Chobi on Thu 16 Jul 2009, 02:01; edited 1 time in total
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1000 Posts
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Capricorn Number of posts : 1012
Age : 35
Country : Disney Land
Forum-Points : 1035
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Registration date : 2008-04-06

mahow and his job life Empty
PostSubject: Re: mahow and his job life   mahow and his job life EmptySat 06 Jun 2009, 03:49

aha ye i see your problem there....

... i got someone i can talk too at almost every hour that im awake and behind me pc ^_^ so that solves the being alone part :) - besides that, im pretty used to being alone, having no one arround i mean, i mostly just sit in my room behind my pc playing games/doing silly things or talking to people (through the pc). I dont realy feel like having friends over and stuff like that.

1. I need to be a host for them at all time and gotta stay with them, i have almost nothing to keep them entertained at my home so... thats sometimes hard.
2. Most my friends (99%) live miles and miles away from me and would have to drive here by car/train/bus - if i realy want contact in real, i'll take the train to the city and meet them there, atleast it will be more fun there cos mostly lots to do in the city.
3. like 60% of them works or does something to get through the days (like going to school /college ect so they are kinda busy anyways :p
4. i just wanted to add a 4th point cos it sounds fun to go like this (lol?)

tongue there i explained myself, right now i dont feel need for anyone in my house, my brother will be here on sunday cos he gotta go to elections so thats already annoying enough to have him here... he can be such a prick :/

long post ftw - spam on!
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300 Posts
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Libra Number of posts : 377
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mahow and his job life Empty
PostSubject: Re: mahow and his job life   mahow and his job life EmptyTue 27 Oct 2009, 16:27 work ? Very Happy

Im working tuesday, thursday, sometimes monday and friday but then im not working on tuesday or thursday

im getting a plan or call, got to clean trash containter whch contain the empty smashed buttles we give back, and refound our money tongue

there are 4 shops, im mostly done in 4-5 hours Very Happy

simple right ? Wink well the back pain seem to increase Very Happy
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Capricorn Number of posts : 1012
Age : 35
Country : Disney Land
Forum-Points : 1035
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Registration date : 2008-04-06

mahow and his job life Empty
PostSubject: Re: mahow and his job life   mahow and his job life EmptyTue 27 Oct 2009, 17:59

Im in school from 9 - 16:30 :)

(update) Every work day
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Capricorn Number of posts : 1012
Age : 35
Country : Disney Land
Forum-Points : 1035
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Registration date : 2008-04-06

mahow and his job life Empty
PostSubject: Re: mahow and his job life   mahow and his job life EmptySat 07 Nov 2009, 20:24

Double post tongue

Another update, i follow pc technician with knowledge of networks.

^^ and this is gonna get me to a job that i wanna be performing after im done studying for that :>
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300 Posts
300 Posts

Libra Number of posts : 377
Age : 33
Country : Deutschland
Forum-Points : 486
Reputation : 28
Registration date : 2009-04-01

mahow and his job life Empty
PostSubject: Re: mahow and his job life   mahow and his job life EmptySun 08 Nov 2009, 13:25

you will see soon, studie or doing all that crap brings you to nothing

or you will see your friend get the same job, without having waste his life earlier tongue tongue
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1000 Posts

Capricorn Number of posts : 1012
Age : 35
Country : Disney Land
Forum-Points : 1035
Reputation : 43
Registration date : 2008-04-06

mahow and his job life Empty
PostSubject: Re: mahow and his job life   mahow and his job life EmptySun 08 Nov 2009, 15:16

tongue depends from what background that friend comes ^^
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PostSubject: Re: mahow and his job life   mahow and his job life Empty

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