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 My stupid topic in wich I'm gonna write something even stupider...

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My stupid topic in wich I'm gonna write something even stupider... Empty
PostSubject: My stupid topic in wich I'm gonna write something even stupider...   My stupid topic in wich I'm gonna write something even stupider... EmptySat 16 May 2009, 23:29

Last edited by Chobi on Thu 16 Jul 2009, 02:07; edited 1 time in total
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Capricorn Number of posts : 1012
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My stupid topic in wich I'm gonna write something even stupider... Empty
PostSubject: Re: My stupid topic in wich I'm gonna write something even stupider...   My stupid topic in wich I'm gonna write something even stupider... EmptySun 17 May 2009, 00:02

Alright mate, Thnx for writing it down. Ima support ya on this. Im one of your pirate crew members (in the crow nest checking where the wind comes from ^^) Dont let your parents and all the crap take you down mate! Keep your head up! Its good that you write down, cos i think you'll feel (a bit) better now, or that i hope.

Your smart enough to take this exame, you'll pass it with glance (thats something good they say in english i believe) Kick some butt on the exame and show. Dont let things get on your nerves to much. Take some time to clear your mind first before you do things too. :x

Im not sure if this would help you but i hope it would. Good luck mate! you can do it! I believe in you :)

go chobi!

*some cheer dance* Chobi Chobi hes our man! If he cant do it! No one can!
:> go for it pirate grrr
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Pisces Number of posts : 536
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Registration date : 2008-04-07

My stupid topic in wich I'm gonna write something even stupider... Empty
PostSubject: Re: My stupid topic in wich I'm gonna write something even stupider...   My stupid topic in wich I'm gonna write something even stupider... EmptyMon 18 May 2009, 01:56

Last edited by Chobi on Thu 16 Jul 2009, 02:07; edited 1 time in total
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Libra Number of posts : 377
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My stupid topic in wich I'm gonna write something even stupider... Empty
PostSubject: Re: My stupid topic in wich I'm gonna write something even stupider...   My stupid topic in wich I'm gonna write something even stupider... EmptySun 31 May 2009, 13:04

is that a song ? *silly ask* Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: My stupid topic in wich I'm gonna write something even stupider...   My stupid topic in wich I'm gonna write something even stupider... Empty

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My stupid topic in wich I'm gonna write something even stupider...
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