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 Call of duty: Modern Warface 2 (COD4 -2)

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Capricorn Number of posts : 1012
Age : 35
Country : Disney Land
Forum-Points : 1035
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Registration date : 2008-04-06

Call of duty: Modern Warface 2 (COD4 -2) Empty
PostSubject: Call of duty: Modern Warface 2 (COD4 -2)   Call of duty: Modern Warface 2 (COD4 -2) EmptyWed 11 Nov 2009, 20:51

I bought CoD4 - 2 today!!! Very Happy

And i wasted 4 hours before i figured out that my steam account wasnt activated making my install crash w/o me knowing Very Happy and there for had to do it over and over and over until i finaly realised... i didnt activate my steam account (PWND) tongue yes, im realy stupid on those moments Wink

But... i got the game and i cant wait to play it ^^

It works through steam though, so your key will be registerd to your steam account meaning other people cant use it unless you give them your steam account :/ (i dont advice doing that)

Anyways, looks cool game ^^ - if its realy cool i'll be suggesting you peeps to buy it too Wink (hope my laptop can handle it :s)
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300 Posts
300 Posts

Libra Number of posts : 377
Age : 33
Country : Deutschland
Forum-Points : 486
Reputation : 28
Registration date : 2009-04-01

Call of duty: Modern Warface 2 (COD4 -2) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Call of duty: Modern Warface 2 (COD4 -2)   Call of duty: Modern Warface 2 (COD4 -2) EmptyFri 27 Nov 2009, 20:34

since no one make a post here, i make one tongue

i dont know this game till now but we dont know the future tongue

might play and try something new
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1000 Posts
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Capricorn Number of posts : 1012
Age : 35
Country : Disney Land
Forum-Points : 1035
Reputation : 43
Registration date : 2008-04-06

Call of duty: Modern Warface 2 (COD4 -2) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Call of duty: Modern Warface 2 (COD4 -2)   Call of duty: Modern Warface 2 (COD4 -2) EmptySun 29 Nov 2009, 00:17

well, right now there is some bugs cos its a "console" version for the pc one but they gonna fix soon :)
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300 Posts
300 Posts

Libra Number of posts : 377
Age : 33
Country : Deutschland
Forum-Points : 486
Reputation : 28
Registration date : 2009-04-01

Call of duty: Modern Warface 2 (COD4 -2) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Call of duty: Modern Warface 2 (COD4 -2)   Call of duty: Modern Warface 2 (COD4 -2) EmptySun 29 Nov 2009, 19:54

and already sold in shops ? lmao retarted money addicted greedys >.<
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Call of duty: Modern Warface 2 (COD4 -2) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Call of duty: Modern Warface 2 (COD4 -2)   Call of duty: Modern Warface 2 (COD4 -2) Empty

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