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 Dont say "oo" in 5 lines ++

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Capricorn Number of posts : 1012
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Dont say "oo" in 5 lines ++ Empty
PostSubject: Dont say "oo" in 5 lines ++   Dont say "oo" in 5 lines ++ EmptyWed 25 Nov 2009, 20:35

Dont use "oo" (double oo in this case )
here it goes:

So i was walking down the street enjoying the fact it wasnt that cold. Thinking of someone special to me. All of a sudden a giantic banana jumped out of the bushes and started doing this silly dance. (No not peanut butter jelly time) Eventualy when he was doing the silly dance he turned to me saying i was to make 1 wish. I wanted to outsmart the banana so i started thinking of this long wish that could contain alot of other details that could actualy make it into a 1 line multi wish. After telling the banana what i wished for he said it would be a hard one but he forfilled my wish. Now the effect of the wish i wont tell you cos they say it dont come true if you tell someone, in this case that be the readers of this topic but i can tell you im realy happy and with the one and most special person in my life. Here ends my 5 lines story which is pretty weird but i made it to the lines w/o saying the double "o" behind eachother Very Happy Now try beat me Dont say "oo" in 5 lines ++ 206173
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Aries Number of posts : 491
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Registration date : 2008-04-05

Dont say "oo" in 5 lines ++ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dont say "oo" in 5 lines ++   Dont say "oo" in 5 lines ++ EmptyThu 26 Nov 2009, 03:40

hmm it is a bit late, but here comes my story Sad

Yet is 1:30 am, yeye it is late and not write the biggest story but me is very tired, so i do sit here and do nothing besides read the text and write down my story, pretty simple that is ye but not if tired ^^ about ur story i add another some lines tongue
it is pretty easy to not do the misstake about double o ^^ maybe it is way to easy, as i not even get a word in my mind that contains this exepct the tree material i not gonna say which name tongue something else i do wonder, how ya know this banana is a "he" Shocked funny yeye u will know ^^ my story ends here as it is late and yet i want to sleep a little and hope i not did the dumb misstake to write double o in this easy mode which double o is not allowed either appear much anyway^^
the story is long right ? still continues and i keep writing down the same and same as ya can see, but why i not see this banana ? i want one "censor" even if it is already 1:34 but yet i still not at the end and wonder when i finaly stop that Sad
do u guys wonder why i still write ? cuz 1:34 am is a bit early to sleep, besides this did mahow say to beat him Cool obvious i doing in this and other things tongue but i better not tell ya ppl about that i think^^ even if it is yet 1:35 and i still writing about the banana story and double o issue << what it is about hmm a misstake i not gonna do i think, maybe is better to not do, but maybe if i do someone else will not be able to "censor" since it was me doing the misstake, but why shall i help other when the banana is still yellow and a "he" Sad this will not solve that even if it is yet 1:37 and i still here > Mahow i want u admit i clearly did beat ya, or i repeat the same again about the banana and double o story, the story just became a history and history will end up in legend ^^ iam legend, since i not a story neither a history is not much left, iam a legend Cool oh my x.x see me talking someone i must be really tired or not ? anyway i only here to tell ya the banana and double o are not same story, but both got mention here ^^ yet i hope ya got enough to read and even if it is yet 1:39, i still here....think about me and i will be there angel
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Capricorn Number of posts : 1012
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Registration date : 2008-04-06

Dont say "oo" in 5 lines ++ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dont say "oo" in 5 lines ++   Dont say "oo" in 5 lines ++ EmptyThu 03 Dec 2009, 12:25

Nicely done Angie ^^ no "oo" anywhere :)!!
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Libra Number of posts : 377
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Dont say "oo" in 5 lines ++ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dont say "oo" in 5 lines ++   Dont say "oo" in 5 lines ++ EmptyFri 04 Dec 2009, 01:31

such long story and no misstake ???

im dissapointed angie Mad
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Capricorn Number of posts : 1012
Age : 35
Country : Disney Land
Forum-Points : 1035
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Registration date : 2008-04-06

Dont say "oo" in 5 lines ++ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dont say "oo" in 5 lines ++   Dont say "oo" in 5 lines ++ EmptyFri 04 Dec 2009, 11:04

:O dont be dissapointed tongue

instead of being that... why dont you try and see if you can do it too? tongue

Cmon, dont be shy, try it yourself tongue!!!
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Dont say "oo" in 5 lines ++ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dont say "oo" in 5 lines ++   Dont say "oo" in 5 lines ++ Empty

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