What i use to make money is http://adf.ly/Ll88 , SwagBucks because of its simple ways to make money. No i do not do the survies on the site I watch videos and do searches because you get paid swagbucks at random intervals. I recommend if your planning to use a proxy or change ips becareful as swagbucks may deactivate your account and you will have to reactivate it threw a few emails. To see the bots I use click http://adf.ly/Lle6 . Good luck making some sweet cash.
1. Make sure you use the swagbucks on Amazon $5 dollar gift cards as they are less expensive than paypals $5 dollar giftcards.
2. Don't bother using the gift cards with more money in them as they are not cheaper than the $5 dollar ones.
Proof this works: