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 what do my future do ?

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Aries Number of posts : 491
Age : 34
Country : Russia
Forum-Points : 583
Reputation : 49
Registration date : 2008-04-05

what do my future do ? Empty
PostSubject: what do my future do ?   what do my future do ? EmptyTue 22 Apr 2008, 03:18

i wish i could be outside germany on vacation one or two weeks, new york is my dream city Wink but just outside of germany is really really my dream for now, havent been in a plane yet, that all tells me "go get better work, go get more money and go get away of here :tongue:

anyone else wanna travel somewhere else than the own country ? Very Happy
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Capricorn Number of posts : 1012
Age : 35
Country : Disney Land
Forum-Points : 1035
Reputation : 43
Registration date : 2008-04-06

what do my future do ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: what do my future do ?   what do my future do ? EmptyWed 23 Apr 2008, 01:19

My oldest brother went there with his wife for his "hunny moon"

I would love to go to New York with you ^^ havent been on a plane either but that might change I love you
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