kk, to follow your examples...
Im known mostly as Spawny/EmoOo/Zeus or what ever ingame names i have
Real name: Jorre but like 99% of people i know say joske or my ingame names :)
im 19 years old, and yes im getting to old... i bet ima die soon :o
hobbys: bothering people, spamming forums, playing online games, going out and having fun, drinking contests (haven had one in looooong time)
poking people, Stealing cookies the ninja way (blame baldr for that :>) having no life when at home and alot more things. I gues the most important was to bother Nina ^.^
ehm, any questions?
post or pm me here
Wanna kick my ass:
Get a number and get in line ^^
Favo quote:
"Onoz Run for the hills :o"
<3 all